Ene 2, 2013

What is Group Life?!

Group Life


We can help you provide your employees more than the basic paycheck.

Meaningful compensation is more than just providing your employees and members their salary. An employee’s financial security is complete only when salaries are supported by employee benefits such as insurance protection.
Insurance is an important benefit your people and their families will realize at the time they need it most. An organization that fills this need will enjoy the loyalty and focus of its employees and members.
Let us be your partner in providing insurance benefits to your group.

Q: What types of groups can avail of Group Health Choice (GHC)?
A: Group Health Choice is available for Employer-Employee groups only. For other groups, you may avail of Group Classic.
Q: Who are eligible to enroll?
A: To be eligible for coverage, employees must be regular, full-time, actively at work employees of the Company and aged 18 to 64 years old.
Q: How many employees can be insured?
A: GHC is designed for small groups with five to 25 enrollees which is 100% of all eligible employees. If employees will be paying, at least 75% of all eligible employees must be insured.
Q: How much coverage can insureds avail of?
A: Benefit amounts may be a minimum of P100,000 up to a maximum of P500,000 per head. Employees belonging to the same level (e.g. Managers) must have the same amount of benefit as all other members in that level.
Q: What do I need to submit to receive a proposal?
  1. Please submit a list with the following details:
    1. Employee Names
    2. Birthdates
    3. Designation
    4. Level/Rank
    5. Plan (benefits and amount) selected
  2. Your contact details (name, numbers)
You may also get in touch with one of our Corporate Account Officers at (02) 528-5406 to 16 so we can prepare a proposal for you.
Q: Once I find the proposal acceptable, what are the requirements before employees can be insured?
  1. Final list of employees to be insured:
    1. Employee Names
    2. Birthdates
    3. Designation
    4. Plan (benefits and amount) selected. Please include Level/Rank (e.g. Rank & File, Manager, Executive) if coverage amount depends on level.
  2. Health Statement duly accomplished by each employee. The employee's coverage will take effect only when the Health Statement has been approved.
  3. Group Application Form
  4. Premium payment

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