Ene 22, 2013

How to become rich?

Learning how to become rich is different than learning how to become wealthy. Being wealthy is a state of mind whereas being financially independent has to do with how much money you have flowing into your bank account each month. Likewise being poor is a mindset, whereas being broke means you have no money. So, it is possible to start your journey to financial independence wealthy, and learn how to become financially independent. If you start your journey to financial independence poor, you will never arrive at financial independence. No matter how broke you may be you are not poor unless you choose to be. The goal in becoming rich is for you to have enough income to live without the need to work.

Develop a Wealthy Mindset
The road to becoming rich starts with you being wealthy and learning to become financially free. So, step one to becoming rich is to get your mind right. No matter how broke or tough of situation you are in, someone somewhere in the world is worse off than you are.

Always spend less than you earn
This may be the most important step in achieving financial freedom, but it is almost always overlooked as it seems too simple. No matter how much money you earn, you will never become rich if you spend more than you make. Always spend less than you earn. For example, maybe you look at someone who earns $20,000 per month as financially well off. However, if this person is spending $25,000 per month, then they will never be financially free. Be sure to always spend less than you earn.

Invest the difference
Put your money to work for you. Learn how you can safely invest your money and receive income from the moneyyou invest. Be mindful with this step and learn how to invest safely. Don't be too quick to jump into the next big thing or you will lose your money and never become financially free. Instead find safe, high yielding investments that can grow over time.

Resist the temptation to spend the money you earn from your investments. Reinvest the money that you earn on your investments. Einstein called compound interest the most powerful force in the universe. This can be a great thing if it is working for you, or a terrible thing if it is working against you. Allow your money to grow and compound. Do not be too quick to take your money out of your investments once it starts earning. Let it compound and build for you over time.

Invest as much as you can on a regular schedule
Continue to invest part of your income. You should always be looking to grow your investments. Create a schedule that you can stick to and invest a certain amount of money on a regular basis. Set aside a certain amount of money that you will invest every month no matter what.

Create Multiple Streams of Income
Earn more money through multiple streams of income. If you have a job and it is your only stream of income then it is possible that income stream can be shutoff at any moment. It is essential that you have multiple streams of income so that if you lose one or more of them you always have a backup. It has been said that you should have up to 7 streams of income. This way even if 3-4 of them stop, you will still have a few streams of income and will have the time to find new sources of income to replace what you have lost. Look for opportunities that will allow you to have another stream of income. The more passive the better, as it wont require your full-time attention to build. Then you can focus on your job while having the security of other streams of income just in case.

Eventually your money will be able to earn more income than you could by working for it. Remember to invest as much as you can throughout this process. Once your investments grow enough they will create a self sustaining income for you without having to work. Then you will have attained financial independence and riches

Ene 14, 2013

What are the keys to successful investing?

The equity funds has gone up by 24.60%, the balanced funds has gone up by 24.07%, and the fixed income fund has gone up by 7.48%. It's dollar and global bond funds did well as well at 9.89% and 11.57%respectively.

Is your money growing at the same rate?

The good thing about ULPs is that while your money is growing at such better rates, you get a life insurance coverage at the same time. It's hitting two birds with one stone since you get a protection (life insurance coverage) and a very fast growing investment at the same time with the same premium.

*Year-to-date return is the return from January 2, 2012 to Dec. 14, 2012
**One-Year return is the return from Dec. 15, 2011 to Dec. 14, 2012
***Cumulative return is the overall rate of return of the fund/s since its inception
****Annualized Return is the average rate of return of the funds every year

Just something to ponder on:

Interest rates on savings accounts is less than 1% per year (around 0.75% to be more accurate) and interest rates of time deposit accounts is around 3% per year. Average inflation rate is 3.2% for 2012. Inflation rate is the rate of increase of the prices of commodities per year. If your money is growing at 0.75% or 3% a year and prices are increasing at 3.2%, is your money really growing?

The key to successful investing and truly making your money grow is to put it into something that grows higher than the inflation rate.

Ene 13, 2013

How to make your money work for you?

We help you grow your money to help you achieve your dreams.

Many Filipinos believe that putting their money in bank deposits is the best way to grow their money and keep it safe. The reality is, savings and time deposits are earning 2.75% or less1 annually. With inflation currently at 3.6%2, the purchasing power of your money will diminish over time. Further, if you don’t invest in the right long-term financial products to match your long-term financial goals, then you may not maximize the growth potential of your money.

Grow your money’s value over the long term
  • Go for investments that offer returns higher than inflation to grow your money over time. Bank deposits currently earn 2.75% or less4 annually, while inflation is at 3.6%5.

As your partner in financial management, Philam Life would like to offer you a better option to make your money grow. Anong plano mo? Usap tayo?

What is Abundance Plus?

We make your investment and insurance coverage work harder for you.

With Philam Life's Abundance Plus, an investment and life insurance plan-in-one, you can now enjoy the benefits of an income-earning insurance and investment plan while you’re still enjoying life!
Q: What is Abundance Plus?
A: Abundance plus is a peso-denominated, regular-pay variable life insurance that allows the policyholder to participate in the potential high returns of the financial markets.
Q: Where will my money be placed for this investment?
A: Abundance Plus allows you to invest in your choice of professionally-managed fund/s based on your risk appetite. Fund choices include the Philam Life Fixed Income Fund, Philam Life Balanced Fund and Philam Life Equity Fund.
Q: What is the composition of these funds?
A: For better perspective, here are the composition of these funds:
  1. Philam Life Fixed Income Fund – This fund invests primarily in high-grade interest-bearing bonds that present low to moderate levels of risk. It aims to provide a stable return over the medium- to long-term, and preserve capital by investing primarily in fixed-income securities issued by the government and reputable corporate issuers.
  2. Philam Life Balanced Fund – This fund contains a balanced investment in performing bonds and equities available in the market. This fund is for the policyholder with an investment objective of long-term capital appreciation by investing in equities, equity-related securities and debt securities
  3. Philam Life Equity Fund – This fund is for the policyholder with an investment objective of capital appreciation over a long-term investment horizon, and the risk appetite for the stock market. Its objective is to achieve capital growth by investing in an efficient and diversified portfolio of predominantly growth companies, while including appropriate value stocks.
Q: Can I add to or withdraw my investments?
A: With Abundance Plus you have the flexibility to make additional investment or top-ups, or switch investments from one fund to another as you deem best. You have also convenient access to your money through partial or full withdrawals of your account

Affordable and Flexible Investment Plan
  • You can start building your investment fund for as low as P20,000* a year.
  • You can choose from any of our professionally-managed investment funds to suit your risk appetite and unique financial needs. You also have the ability to switch funds depending on your preferences.
  • You can increase your investment and insurance coverage whenever you have extra cash through our top-up premium option.
  • You can withdraw from your funds in case of emergency or other needs.

Guaranteed Life and Accident Insurance Protection
  • You can get guaranteed life insurance protection that is at least 5x your annual investment.
  • You will also get additional accident and health coverage amounting to at least 5x your annual investment.
  • You are assured that your policy will remain in-force regardless of the performance of the funds.**
With Abundance Plus, you can now enjoy returns on your investment plus life insurance coverage.
* Also available in US Dollar currency.
** Policy will remain in-force until age 64 or 30th policy year, whichever comes first. Assuming no scheduled premiums are missed for the first 10 years of the policy and no withdrawals are taken.

Ene 3, 2013

How to plan for a quality time with family and friends this 2013?

Planning to spend quality time with your family and friends this 2013?

Here's a great guide to map out your vacation for the rest of the year! Make sure you do save up for these! Have fun planning!

Ene 2, 2013

How to achieve your dream retirement?



"Sana lagi tayong ganito."

Retirement can be one of the best and most enjoyable periods of your life if you plan ahead for it. You could take up a new hobby, travel the world, or even take up a second career without the demands of pressing financial concerns.
We understand how important this stage of your life is. That’s why we offer you our expertise to provide you the best product and service solutions to match your specific needs.

We can help you gear up for a leisurely retirement.

You work hard now so you can play hard during your prime years. We can help you enjoy a secure and worry-free retirement with Philam Life’s Leisure, a retirement and life insurance plan-in-one that can give you guaranteed monthly income upon your retirement.

Guaranteed Retirement Income
  • You can cover your future expenses through guaranteed monthly income for ten years. You have the option to receive this starting at age 50, 55, 60 or 65.
  • You can get cash dividends that you can easily withdraw for your emergency needs, medical bills or other expenses.

Guaranteed Life Insurance Coverage
  • You and your family can enjoy peace of mind with its guaranteed life insurance coverage.
  • You may enhance your protection with comprehensive accident and health insurance coverage.
With Leisure, you can now enjoy security during your golden years.

Q: How does it work for me?
A: Leisure is a guaranteed monthly retirement income and insurance plan-in-one. You get monthly cash payouts for 10 years starting at age 50, 55, 60 or 65. The minimum monthly income is P2,000.
Your insurance benefit is equal to 125% of the total premiums paid from effective date up to the policy year before the start of the monthly cash payouts. In the event of death during your availment of monthly income benefits, all unpaid cash benefits will be paid to your beneficiary.
Q: How long do I have to pay for premiums? Where can I pay?
A: Choose among single pay, 5-pay, 10-pay or regular pay; payable quarterly, semi-annually or annually. For the single-pay variant, only the annual mode is available. Payment is convenient – pay in cash, check or credit card at over 5,000 trusted and reliable outlets nationwide. Click on our Payment Facilities for a complete listing of our accredited payment channels.
Q: What happens to my plan in case of my death?
A: In the event of death during your availment of monthly income benefits, all unpaid cash benefits will be paid to your beneficiary. In case of death due to accident, your beneficiary receives additional cash corresponding to your accident insurance coverage.
You can also increase your protection by simply availing of any of the supplementary riders. Click on our attachable benefits tab for more information and see how you can get a more comprehensive coverage.

How Philam Life can help you grow your money in trees?


We help you grow your money to help you achieve your dreams.

Many Filipinos believe that putting their money in bank deposits is the best way to grow their money and keep it safe. The reality is, savings and time deposits are earning 2.75% or less1 annually. With inflation currently at 3.6%2, the purchasing power of your money will diminish over time. Further, if you don’t invest in the right long-term financial products to match your long-term financial goals, then you may not maximize the growth potential of your money.
As your partner in financial management, Philam Life would like to offer you a better option to make your money grow.
1 Investment rates of the top 3 banks as of Oct. 18, 2012
2 Inflation rate as of Sept. 2012

Money Tree is a one-pay investment and life insurance plan that can earn more than bank deposits in the long-term.

It maximizes your money’s growth potential by giving you the opportunity to invest in high-performing funds in the Philippines which is now the 4th fastest growing economy in Asia1 and projected to be the 6th out of the 196 countries in the world2. Since launch, Money Tree funds have earned 8% to 15%3 yearly. And unlike bank deposits, Money Tree offers guaranteed life protection equivalent to 125% of your investment to further secure your family’s future.

Grow your money’s value over the long term
  • Go for investments that offer returns higher than inflation to grow your money over time. Bank deposits currently earn 2.75% or less4 annually, while inflation is at 3.6%5.

Ride on the growth of the Philippine economy
  • Gain access to an array of professionally-managed investment funds which allow you to participate in the growth sectors of the Philippine economy.

Gain from Professional Fund Management
  • Benefit from Philam Life’s expertise and experience in insurance and wealth management to help you grow your money over the long term.

Enjoy Guaranteed Life Insurance
  • Protect yourself and your family with guaranteed life insurance benefit of at least 125% of your initial investment.
Click here to learn more about Philam Life's Money Tree!
So don’t let your money sleep. Grow it with Money Tree!

1 Bloomberg, 2Q 2012 Real GDP % YoY Growth
2 Knight Frank and Citi Private Bank, The Wealth Report 2012
3 Annualized returns of Money Tree funds since launch until September 28, 2012
4 Investment rates of the top 3 banks as of October 18, 2012
5 Inflation rate as of September 2012

Q: What is Money Tree?
A: Money Tree is a peso-denominated, single premium (one-pay) variable life insurance product that allows the policyholder/ insured to participate in the potentially high returns of the financial markets by providing the following wide array of investment funds that will cater to the risk-appetite of the client:
  • Philam Life Fixed Income Fund (PFIF)
  • Philam Life Balanced Fund (PBF)
  • Philam Life Equity Fund (PEF)
Q: What is the composition of these funds?
A: For better perspective, here are the composition of these funds:
  1. Philam Life Fixed Income Fund – This fund invests primarily in high-grade interest-bearing bonds that present low to moderate levels of risk. It aims to provide a stable return over the medium- to long-term, and preserve capital by investing primarily in fixed-income securities issued by the government and reputable corporate issuers.
  2. Philam Life Balanced Fund – This fund contains a balanced investment in performing bonds and equities available in the market. This fund is for the policyholder with an investment objective of long-term capital appreciation by investing in equities, equity-related securities and debt securities
  3. Philam Life Equity Fund – This fund is for the policyholder with an investment objective of capital appreciation over a long-term investment horizon, and the risk appetite for the stock market. Its objective is to achieve capital growth by investing in an efficient and diversified portfolio of predominantly growth companies, while including appropriate value stocks.
Q: Can I add to or withdraw my investments?
A: With Money Tree you have the flexibility to make additional investment or top-ups, or switch investments from one fund to another as you deem best. You have also convenient access to your money through partial or full withdrawals of your account

What is Voluntary Employee Benefits?

Voluntary Employee Benefits

A Popular Choice

As more and more employers see the value in providing supplemental benefits to their employees, voluntary programs have become extremely popular. Voluntary benefit programs are popular because they allow employers to provide better benefits to their employees, offer more choices, improve employee satisfaction, and attract and retain good employees.
Philam Life makes the purchase of voluntary products at the workplace easy.
A decision to offer our voluntary program helps both you and your employees. You save by offering a flexible benefit program your employees want and need, without shouldering the additional expenses of paying for the coverage and your employees win by purchasing benefits at affordable rates that they can count on to be there when they’re needed the most.
Designed to meet the multiple needs of employers and employees, our portfolio of voluntary programs consists of Life, Disability, Critical Illness, Accident & Health, Retirement, Investment, and Educational plans. You choose the plan that’s right for your employees.

What is Credit Life?

Credit Life

We provide financial solutions for both debtors and creditors.

We believe that one should be remembered by his deeds and not by his debts. Our Credit Life products provide protection to you, whether you’re a lender or a borrower, against the possibility of an unpaid loan due to a borrower’s untimely death. With Credit Life, loans are paid, assets and possessions safeguarded and future earning power kept intact.

Q: What types of groups can avail of CL Prime?
A: Credit Life Prime is available to all types of creditor groups, especially those with specific requirements.
Q: Who are eligible to enroll?
A: All Borrowers who are actively-at-work, in good health, able to perform the normal chores of life, and below age 65 may be covered.
Q: What is the minimum amount of borrowers?
A: A group should have at least five eligible borrowers to be a valid group.
Q: How much coverage can insureds avail of?
A: Minimum amount of loan to be insured could be as low as P1,000 per month. Max coverages are open for discussion.
Q: What do I need to submit to receive a proposal?
A: Please submit an accomplished Credit Life Survey Sheet to our Corporate Account Officer so we can prepare a proposal for you.
Q: Once I find the proposal acceptable, what are the requirements before borrowers can be insured?
  1. Credit Life Survey sheet showing the initial list of individuals to be insured:
    1. Name of Borrower
    2. Date of Birth
    3. Loan Amount
You may ask your Philam Life Corporate Account Officer for a copy of the Survey Sheet.
  1. Proof of good health may be required from enrollees. Coverage will take effect only upon approval of proof of good health submitted.
  2. Group Application Form
  3. Premium payment

What is Group Accident?

Group Accident

We help secure your people from unforeseen incidents.

Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. Losses suffered by the individual and his family can cripple them physically, emotionally and even financially.
Insurance is an important benefit your people and their families will realize at the time they need it most. Organizations that fill this need will enjoy the loyalty and focus of their employees.
Let us be your partner in helping your employees prepare for these unforeseen events.
Q: What types of groups can avail of Junior Corporate PA (JCPA)?
A: Junior Corporate PA is available for Employer-Employee groups only.
Q: Who are eligible to enroll?
A: Eligible insureds are: Regular, full-time, actively at work employees of the Company and aged 18 to 64 years old.
Q: How many employees can be insured?
A: JCPA is for designed for small groups with five to 100 enrollees. If the Employer will be paying the insurance premiums, 100% of all members must be enrolled. If the members will be paying, at least 75% of all eligible members must be enrolled.
Q: How much coverage can insureds avail of?
A: Benefit amounts may be a minimum of P20,000 up to a maximum of P500,000 per head. Employees belonging to the same level (e.g. Managers) must have the same amount of benefit as all other members in that level.
Q: What do I need to submit to receive a proposal?
A: Please submit a list with the following details:
  1. Employee Names
  2. Birthdates
  3. Designation
  4. Benefits and amount of coverage. Please include Level/Rank if coverage amount depends on level.
You may also get in touch with one of our Corporate Account Officers at (02) 528-5406 to 16 so we can prepare a proposal for you.
Q: Once I find the proposal acceptable, what are the requirements before employees can be insured?
  1. Final list of employees to be insured
    1. Employee Names
    2. Birthdates
    3. Designation
    4. Benefits and amount of coverage. Please include Level/Rank (e.g. Rank & File, Manager, Executive) if coverage amount depends on level
  2. Corporate PA Application Form
  3. Premium payment

What is Group Life?!

Group Life


We can help you provide your employees more than the basic paycheck.

Meaningful compensation is more than just providing your employees and members their salary. An employee’s financial security is complete only when salaries are supported by employee benefits such as insurance protection.
Insurance is an important benefit your people and their families will realize at the time they need it most. An organization that fills this need will enjoy the loyalty and focus of its employees and members.
Let us be your partner in providing insurance benefits to your group.

Q: What types of groups can avail of Group Health Choice (GHC)?
A: Group Health Choice is available for Employer-Employee groups only. For other groups, you may avail of Group Classic.
Q: Who are eligible to enroll?
A: To be eligible for coverage, employees must be regular, full-time, actively at work employees of the Company and aged 18 to 64 years old.
Q: How many employees can be insured?
A: GHC is designed for small groups with five to 25 enrollees which is 100% of all eligible employees. If employees will be paying, at least 75% of all eligible employees must be insured.
Q: How much coverage can insureds avail of?
A: Benefit amounts may be a minimum of P100,000 up to a maximum of P500,000 per head. Employees belonging to the same level (e.g. Managers) must have the same amount of benefit as all other members in that level.
Q: What do I need to submit to receive a proposal?
  1. Please submit a list with the following details:
    1. Employee Names
    2. Birthdates
    3. Designation
    4. Level/Rank
    5. Plan (benefits and amount) selected
  2. Your contact details (name, numbers)
You may also get in touch with one of our Corporate Account Officers at (02) 528-5406 to 16 so we can prepare a proposal for you.
Q: Once I find the proposal acceptable, what are the requirements before employees can be insured?
  1. Final list of employees to be insured:
    1. Employee Names
    2. Birthdates
    3. Designation
    4. Plan (benefits and amount) selected. Please include Level/Rank (e.g. Rank & File, Manager, Executive) if coverage amount depends on level.
  2. Health Statement duly accomplished by each employee. The employee's coverage will take effect only when the Health Statement has been approved.
  3. Group Application Form
  4. Premium payment

What Philam Life offers for Businesses?

Comprehensive Benefits for Your Organization

We recognize that every member of your organization deserves more than the basic benefits and financial solutions. We provide comprehensive employee benefits and pension solutions to corporations and organizations of all sizes.
Choose from any of our pioneering and innovative life insurance plans and financial solutions. Our products address whatever needs you may have on top of life protection – so you get your hard-earned money’s worth. And because the pricing is light on the pocket and the payment schemes are easy, getting insured is a breeze.
We have been helping millions of Filipinos from generation to generation – securing the future of those who matter to them most, growing their finances and investments, and ultimately, helping them achieve all their dreams.
We can do the same for you.
These are few of those..

Ene 1, 2013

What is Philam Life’s BalikBayani Pasalubong Package for OFWs ?

Pasalubong na Magandang Kinabukasan

Philam Life introduces the BalikBayani Pasalubong Package, a comprehensive financial plan for OFWs na may protection, savings, education, retirement, investment, at health plans na sisiguro sa kinabukasan ng iyong pamilya.

Kaya matagal ka mang mawalay sa mga minamahal mo, panatag kang lagi silang protektado.

Hanggang Balikbayan Box na lang ba ang mapapasalubong mo sa kanila?

Maraming taon ang inilaan mo sa ibang bansa para matupad ang iyong mga pangarap na makapagtapos ng pag-aaral ang iyong mga anak, makapagpatayo ng bahay at makapagsimula ng negosyo. Sa kabila ng mga pagsubok sa ibang bansa, masisiguro mo na ang iyong mga pinaghirapan ay may patutunguhan.
Hayaan mo ang Philam Life, na tulungan kang makapagplano ng magandang kinabukasan para sa iyo at sa iyong pamilya sa pamamagitan ng aming BalikBayani Pasalubong Package, a comprehensive financial plan for OFWs na may protection, savings, education, retirement, investment at health plans na sisiguro sa kinabukasan ng iyong pamilya.
Pagdating sa mga mahal mo sa buhay, walang pasalubong ang hihigit pa sa isang magandang kinabukasan para sa kanila. Kaya matagal ka man mawalay sa mga minamahal mo, panatag kang lagi silang protektado.
Sa tulong ng Philam Life's BalikBayani Pasalubong Package, maaari nang magkatotoo ang pangarap mong makapagpasalubong ng magandang kinabukasan para sa iyong pamilya. Para malaman kung paano, maaari mong gamitin ang aming BalikBayani Pasalubong Package Calculator. I-click lamang ang button na ito:
Click here to know more.

So, ikaw, anong plano mo? Usap tayo. Tawag na sa 09326036268.