Ene 14, 2013

What are the keys to successful investing?

The equity funds has gone up by 24.60%, the balanced funds has gone up by 24.07%, and the fixed income fund has gone up by 7.48%. It's dollar and global bond funds did well as well at 9.89% and 11.57%respectively.

Is your money growing at the same rate?

The good thing about ULPs is that while your money is growing at such better rates, you get a life insurance coverage at the same time. It's hitting two birds with one stone since you get a protection (life insurance coverage) and a very fast growing investment at the same time with the same premium.

*Year-to-date return is the return from January 2, 2012 to Dec. 14, 2012
**One-Year return is the return from Dec. 15, 2011 to Dec. 14, 2012
***Cumulative return is the overall rate of return of the fund/s since its inception
****Annualized Return is the average rate of return of the funds every year

Just something to ponder on:

Interest rates on savings accounts is less than 1% per year (around 0.75% to be more accurate) and interest rates of time deposit accounts is around 3% per year. Average inflation rate is 3.2% for 2012. Inflation rate is the rate of increase of the prices of commodities per year. If your money is growing at 0.75% or 3% a year and prices are increasing at 3.2%, is your money really growing?

The key to successful investing and truly making your money grow is to put it into something that grows higher than the inflation rate.

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